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A community groupHow do people relate to one another in community? Vowed communities often have a Rule of Life, which sets out the principles that everyone adheres to. This is the subject of prayer and study, and can provide a basis for discussion. Sample some chapters from a commentary on the Community's Rule. Click on one of the titles below.

A Calling to Community. Many try community, but at its heart it is a calling. It is an intentional form of discipleship, a way of being the church.

The Simple Sayings of Jesus. What Jesus said was not hard to understand, but many find it impossible. In community life there is strength for what we may find impossible alone.

Living by a Rule. 'Rule' sounds like a law that has to be obeyed, but everyone lives by a rule of life of some sort. We just agree on what it is. It's what we do 'as a rule'.

Loving one another. It's easy to love those who love us, but in community we have to learn to love with an undivided heart. It's a course in which we are always learning. We never graduate!

Relationships. Everyone has to learn to deal with relationships in community. To do so we have to learn some principles, especially that of openness to others.

A copy of the Community's Rule of Life with commentary is available at £3.00 + 50p p&p (UK delivery). Contact us.


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